Hazel was only three days old when I took her pictures. She was soooo tiny. Only 5 lbs. I can't believe babies come so small...I'm used to eight and a half pounds and I thought that was pretty tiny. All these newborns are making me want another little one. They are just so precious. Lincoln, her older brother, has the biggest most beautiful eyes as you can see....and look at those lashes. I wish I could have just three of those.
Jaxson is a photographer's dream! He tried so hard to open his eyes but he was just too pooped...we could basicaly do whatever we wanted with him and he went right along with it. He was just too tired to fight us. He was such a little angel. I thouroughly enjoyed every second of his session. I have been doing so many outdoor sessions, it felt good to be back inside where I can actualy control the light.
I've been so busy with sessions that I've neglected to post all the fun things that I'm offering. I had to post this one because it is one of my favorites. These rock as Christmas gifts. This is just one of many formats and definitions that I offer. I can customize these to your liking with or without definitions. This one is a 20x20 but you can get them smaller if you would like. I am so creating a huge one for my boys room....just as soon as I have time:) To have by Christmas order by December 5th. I'll post some more later today.
These girls came PREPARED! I couldn't believe all the cute stuff they had and ofcorse they had to have the hats and tutus from Sophie's Style. I loved taking their pictures because their Mom and cousin were in the background laughing and oooohing and aaaahing over how cute they looked. And did they ever look so CUTE!
These two were total opposites! Ava was my little model that did all her own posing and Owen was not coming near the camera. He loosened up after a while though and we got some amazing shots of them both. I want to post them all but I want the rest to be a surprise!
I feel like I say the words cute, adorable, precious, gorgeous and beautiful way too much on this blog, but I have to say them again because these two are all of those!
And I thought all the leaves were gone...oh I was wrong. There is still one place to catch them. These four little girls are soooooo gorgeous and I LOVE LOVE LOVE the outfits. I feel so privilaged to take these pictures becuase they are going to be art in the most amazing interior designer's home! Her house is seriously breath taking along with her beautiful daughters!
Chances are if you are on my blog then you have visited my website so you already know all about me. I will keep it short and sweet! I am a baby and child photographer in Lehi, Utah. I have a wonderful husband and two of the cutest little boys you will ever see. I'm sure you will be seeing a lot of them on this blog. I love warm weather, my family, Mexican food, and of course photography! I hope you enjoy this blog and stay tuned because there will be lots more to come.