Wednesday, August 1, 2007


Ok, It is late and I have so much to do before I can go to bed but I can't get off the computer without posting Cooper's pics. This kid is not only gorgeous, but he has the cutest personality in the world. He just turned one and he allready knows how to drive a stick. Seriously...I can't even do that. He makes vroom vroom noises when he gets in the trucks and he can even say my name. I can't believe his eye lashes, they are like a mile long! Ok, I really need to get off this computer becuase I'm sitting here eating homeade oreos. Cooper's Mom Kristi is going to think I am horrible when she reads this. She is an instructor at Gold's Gym. Oh well, sometimes you just gotta splurge. Too bad that is every night for me!

Just in case you were wondering...
one box choc cake mix
2 eggs
1/4 cup oil
bake 350 degrees for 7-8 min
put cream cheese frosting in the middle

They are sooooo good!

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